Actions limit warning e-mail

Is it possible to get an automated e-mail when nearing the actions limit of a given plan? E.g. when 90% of actions is reached, send an email to one or more admin accounts.

I also looked at the api-documentation (to automate a warning message myself), but the total number of actions for an account for a given month does not seem to be a figure that is available in any endpoint.

Hi @kdw,

All owners (up to 1000) should start getting warning emails when the traffic reaches around 80%. You will also see a banner in the UI.

Did you not get the email?

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

Hi Kamil,

I see the volume indicator with warning symbol in the dashboard menu, but no seperate banner, nor do I receive e-mails.

Hi @kdw,

Can you send me the instance name in a private message?

Have a great day! :slight_smile: