Add conversion rate between two goals to a dashboard

Hi ! I need to find a way to add a widget to a dashboard, showing the conversion rate between two different goals I have created.

So far I could only add a widget for each of the different goals.

I have also tried with a calculated metric, but still can’t solve it.

Thank you for any suggestions you may have.

Hi @Rodrigo-Optizent,

You could create widget like this (created in the demo site):

The structure of the widget is like this:

Drag the Goal conversion rate to the drop location:

Select the goals you want the conversion rate of, by diving into the options (using the little arrow down icon):

Other examples of custom reports based on goals can be found here: Analyze goals in custom reports | Piwik PRO help center

Let me know if it helps.


That’s great Richard !
Thank you !
I will try that right now.

Hi Richard @rmastop
I could not resolve this yet.
The situation is this: Let’s say I have 100 goal conversions for goal 1, and 10 goal conversions for goal 2. I want to have the conversion rate between those two goal conversions which would be 10%.
Thanks for your time and ideas :pray:

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