Allow Customization in Report Tab

We have implemented a few custom logics that make the generic Reports in the Reports tab outdated. For example we have our own custom channel logic and are not using the native channel logic of Piwik.

Ideally we want to replace the Channel Report with a report that shows our own channels only as there is absolutely no point in showing the native logic to our users, it even is counterproductive and confusing.

So: Please allow adaptions of the reports in the report tab. Or let us deactivate reports in that tab at least.


Hi @Kevin_R,
Welcome to the community!

You can already modify the default Channels report in the Reports section by clicking on the customize button:

It will forward you to the edit report section.
Also, in the edit section you will be able to add your custom channel groupings to the report, which could divide your custom channel values from the default ones.

The only drawback is that when you save the modified default report, then it will not pop up in the Reports, but in the custom Custom reports section.

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Hi @asinior , thanks for the reply.

yes, I am aware and that is our current workaround. While we can refer to it whenever we are asked, none of our users find it on their own. Especially since the custom report section does not have any folder organization that allows us to compile a folder of such reports, we currently have like 60 public reports (within 3 months of using it). We do use prefixes to highlight the most important custom reports. But then we are already using a workaround for people seeing our workaround.

Last but not least I think it is really detrimental to allow these two channel realities to co-exist. It raises questions and creates ambiguity and complexity and reduces trust in data.

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Thanks for raising this, I will create a feature request based on the issues you provided in this thread.

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Thanks Adam, appreciated!