Consent banner dysfunctional

Continuing the discussion from Consent banner keeps popping up:


We have the same issue, since 1 year or more : sometimes, we see pop-in pop up on every single page… We already talk about this to support team but nothing was found from their side.

But these days, we have a huge legal and UX issue : most of the time, pop-in does not fire when the user comes to our website. We have a ratio # consent pop in impression / # session = 50 % only, whereas we only have 2% returning visitors.

Pop-in consent can be not triggered at all or can be triggered in the middle of the user navigation journey. Our test bot scrolled the website and detected that.

Hi @celine_tabet,

Do you mean you are responsible for the website in the mentioned thread? From what I can see, it no longer pops up again on the mentioned website.

If you are a different user/company:

  1. Please send me the website URL. Either here or in a private message.
  2. You can optionally send me the support ticket number/name.