Consent Selection changes on Language Change

Found a strange bug when it comes to the cmp popup - seems like it doesn’t hold it’s state.

The selected consent status change random when you change the language of the CMP popup. (1)

Here we tested it with reshowing the popup and also there the consent changes


  • Gatsby3 (React)
  • Implemented via the Piwik React Component
  • Not using the react functions to track events & Pageviews

hi @phil_data_baron. Thanks for the report. We tried to reproduce, but in our case it works. Is it available publicly somewhere?

Hi @kuba,

we’ve further analyzed the issue.
It’s connected to the “Consent Manager Designer” - whenever there is an option “selected” in the designer, this also effects the actual delivered CMP, and then triggers this strange behavior.

So our idea is, that the data of the CMP WYSIWYG somehow overwrites the selections the users do, whenever a language is changed. And this behavior is triggered on a boolean comparison, why they always jump around.

Once we desleected all options in the design and set all the to “off” the described behavior vanished.

Hope this helps

Yes! Now we can reproduce. I reported a bug and you can expect a fix soon . Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: