Dashboards and Reports showing different data for same time period

I’m seeing different numbers in my dashboard versus my reports for the same time period. I’m viewing:
Dashboard > User Engagement > Most Visited Pages
Reports > Pages > Page Views

Page view numbers and bounce rates are different between the two

Hey @ClareSKC, welcome to our community :slight_smile:

The dashboard is using ‘Page title’ event dimension, and the report is using ‘Page URL’ event dimension - that might be the cause. If you’d compare your dashboard to ‘Page titles’ section in the Reports > Pages, if should be the same.

Here’s a link to our help center explaining different dimensions&metrics: List of dimensions and metrics | Piwik PRO help center

Hey @pwachala, thanks so much for coming back to me :slightly_smiling_face:

I checked this out and you’re right, thank you. I switched the pages report to page titles and now I get the same number for page views as I do in the dashboard, but the bounce rate didn’t update. It shows nearly 20% more in the pages report for page titles than it does for page titles in the dashboard for the page I’m analysing. I’m not sure why and I can’t figure it out. I’m really sorry if I’m missing something.

For a bit of additional context, I’m analysing traffic to a blog post and it only features in one place on the website so I was also curious to understand why page title and page URL would report different numbers too.

The reason for this could be that the dashboard uses the ‘Bounce rate’ dimension, while the Pages report shows the ‘Page bounce rate.’ This can be a bit confusing, as they are two different dimensions.

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