Import/export custom reports & dashboards configurations


Just as it is possible with the tag manager configuration, being able to export/import a json configuration file for custom reports & dashboards would be awesome.

Is it a scheduled feature? If so, is there an ETA?

Thank you!

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Hi @Thomas_Anode_FR , thanks for sharing the idea. It is not on the roadmap currently.

Could you share some background on why you actually need it?

Hello Jarek,

We’re an agency that manage multiple accounts for our clients.

The custom reports & dashboards that we use across these accounts are 80% the same. Right now, we have to recreate them by hand for each new account.

So, if we could simply export and import their configurations, it would make us gain time. :slight_smile:

Best regards

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Thanks for the context!

if reading this right the use case is 100% clear and one I was signing on to inquire how to do. Isn’t there a way to display a dashboard only across specific sites (eg click to select or checkboxes on list) but not all of the sites? In my scenario only a few of the sites are ecommerce most are not; making things worse is obviously for ones where relevant should be one of the top if not top dashboard. Only see option to display it across all sites which is deleterious to ones where it is not relevant and diminishes the perceived value and relevance of all dashboards etc as people think oh this must be a mish mash of things and thus not spend the extra time to look closer and find strategically tailored data and visualizations for value and actionability.

Please tell me theres a way of electing sites to display on or alternatively a method like identified above to export and import configuration?

Isn’t there a way to display a dashboard only across specific sites (eg click to select or checkboxes on list) but not all of the sites?

There is a solution for that, you can copy the dashboard to specific sites, just choose copy:

and sites or apps that you want to copy to:

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 14.52.57

It will create a copy so if you’d like to modify the dashboard, you have to do it on each site (property) separately.


I take this opportunity to ask: is anything in the works following my original request?

Thank you

No, there are no plans yet to support exports and imports of custom reports and dashboards.