We’ve created a website under wordpress and use piwik pro wordpress plugin to integrate the code.
However I still don’t have any data on my visit.
I’ve checked the code is implemented and is the same (except for some whitespace that doesn’t look harmfull) as the "manual integration"code.
I’ve tested to check if tag was installed with tracker debuger
no data
I’ve tested with Check if your tracking works correctly | Piwik PRO help center
the id returned by first method is an integer changing each time i load the command inside my firefox console (i got 13 then 14, then 15 …) and is useless for the rest of test
when I check with tag debugger method , i don’t see any Piwik Pro tag fired, i can’t see any trigger set to all page views, and when i check event log/stg.pageView i don’t see any Piwik Pro tag fired as required.
I’ve checked our plugin was installed on the right way, settings appeared to me good.
I’ve digged a bit after my message.
I’ve found a first problem
" Trigger for the Piwik PRO tag is incorrect. It should be set as All page views usually with no additional conditions."
Changing trigger seems to have done the job as i get some data in tracking debuger".
So my problem seems solved. I’ll check if all data comes and, if not, I’ll be back.
For us, the problem was due to deletion of the Piwik Pro trigger and the creation of another trigger that was not set on “all pages” by one of our dev
So we couldn’t see any “Piwik Pro” tag fired (because this trigger had not this name) and as the other tag had not been set on “all pages” it was not fired. No stats were collected.
We digged and simply set to “all pages” the trigger setup by our dev.
For implementation of Piwik on wordpress, it was simple.
We downloaded the plugin and set it up as required (basic container async and dataLayer were set as default). The HowTo was enough for us
Hello I just added the code in my theme and I can see the data in the tracking debugger. However, the consent popup does not work. Thanks for your help