My scheduled email reports (weekly and monthly) were not sent today, April 1st. I see an error message on all 10 of my websites:
scheduled report not sent; internal error.
Is this a known issue at this time?
I tried creating new reports, but they can’t be sent either. It all worked fine until last week…
Hi @optipiwik,
We are looking into this issue.
Thanks! Did you find the issue?
Hi, sorry for the late response. Yes, we have introduced a fix for this. I assume that you didn’t get the report yet?
It is stil not working. I also tried to send a week report manually but I still get the same error message “internal error”.
Tried it again, but still not working (internal error). This is becoming an issue for me because my clients are waiting for their month and week reports.
Any idea when this is fixed? Is it a know issue or am I the only one reporting this?
Hi @optipiwik, we are still investigating this issue. I’ll get back to you with a fix date as soon as I get one. Sorry for the long wait.