Separate consent form language definition for screen reader

The cookie acceptance form language is determined according to the browser which is fine but for screen readers a separate language definition should be added. Screen reader would then use this definition if the consent form uses a different language than the default language of the page is used - otherwise a screen reader will try to present the content using the default language of the page, not the language of the consent form.

In short, if the language of the page is Finnish and the user chooses the English version of the cookie acceptance form, there should be a separate language definition so that the screen reader understands the form is presented in English.

So I was wondering if it is possible to add a separate language definition to the code of the cookie acceptance form?

This comes from the WCAG guidelines, criterion 3.1.2: Understanding Success Criterion 3.1.2: Language of Parts | WAI | W3C

For now, we do not have a native solution that would handle the consent form in such a manner, however, you would be able to handle it through our API methods as well as different custom codes.

API methods: API — Piwik PRO Analytics Suite 18.2 documentation

We are very sorry that we can not provide you with something native that would work in this case that is for sure great reference for a relevant future request.

Ok, thank you for the answer. However, it would be great if this feature could be added to Piwik so that the consent form would fully support the WCAG accessibility guidelines. I thought this would only need something like a new lang-attribute added to the code of the consent form :slight_smile: