Tag is firing but attached Goal is not?

Hello! I can’t figure out where I’m going wrong here and can’t locate a related post here in the community.

I have a trigger set up for any page with /thank-you in the page path:

The tag is looking for that trigger and has a name of form_submit:

I’m seeing the tag fire in the debugger:

However, the goal I have arranged to track this tag by its name is not working and I cannot understand why?:

I have it arranged in the same manner as other goals which are working. Any tips or help on what I have set up incorrectly would be amazing—thanks all!

Note: I did find this related post but it didn’t clarify. I want to combine this tag with another form submissions tag in a report so I can’t use a goal conversion tag to achieve that (from what I can tell).

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From the screenshots that you provided, everything seems to be set up just fine.
Could you please share with me the URL on which the issue occurs? You can provide it here under the thread or via private message.

Thank you Adam, I just shared the URL via a message. Appreciate the help.

I don’t think I understand why you can’t use goal tag in tag manager instead, can you provide some example of data you want to combine?

Hi @Jakub_Fidala — I could try that route. Essentially, I had create a Form Submissions tag to track forms but found it worked for some forms on the site (Gravity Forms) but not the handful that are iframe-based (Formstack). Ultimately, what I want is one report that lists all form submission, Gravity Forms and iframe-based, so I created the two tag types for tracking each in order to combine them for the total.

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