Time zone settings won't change for Piwik Pro tag/container

I decided to set both Administration → → Time zone and Tag manager → Piwik Pro tag → Time zone to UTC 0:00 (Greenwich) for uniformity. Our business is global, not local, and we don’t really need real-time data - only historical data - so having time zone unified and set to UTC 0:00 seems like a good move.

I managed to update the time zone for the first one, but I cannot do so for the tag. It allows me to change the time zone where I currently am to UTC 0:00, but when I click ‘Save’ it switches back to my local time zone.

Is that an expected behavior or a bug? thanks.

Hi @mrkpl125,

Please try selecting “Run at specific times of the day” - it should work with this option selected since the timezone doesn’t really matter if you have the “Run all day” option selected.

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

the timezone doesn’t really matter if you have the “Run all day” option selected.

Indeed, I didn’t think about that ) Thank you for pointing this out.


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