Youtube Video Reports: Unique plays, sessions, click url


We have Youtube tracking tag enabled, tag trigger: All Pageviews.
We have started to play with built-in video reports on youtube. We find this very odd: that sessions = unique plays always. I find it hard to believe that every single session = video plays. See screenshot.


Some urls where we have embedded youtube videos:

Also, we’d like to see all these video data per url (click url / page url) and we can’t seem to find a way to filter that. Or how to create a custom report where we can have a report to check any url we want and get its:

  • page sessions
  • video name
  • video unique plays
  • video progress data

Do you have any example how to achieve this? tutorial? step-by-step?

Thanks a lot, as always.

Hi @Elena_Benito_Ruiz,

I can’t zoom into the report screenshot properly for some reason :sweat_smile:.

A single session can contain multiple video plays. This report should show you only the sessions in which a video play event occured and not the total session count.

Is this related to this thread?

hi @anthonybartczak thanks a lot for replying.
Here is a better snapshot, I think:

In the tooltip, I can see what sessions are…but from your answer what I understand now is that it only shows the sessions where the video is played? (and not all sessions?), then of course, sessions number should be always equal to unique plays, indeed.
Thanks a lot

PS: Yes the other part of this thread is actually now on a separate forum thread, sorry for that.

Yep, the tooltip shows the general description for the session dimension. The report has some custom event filters applied to it which limit the sessions count.

good @anthonybartczak understood, so in order to have this video engagement report exactly as it is but with total sessions of the page url where the video event is, we need to create a custom report? Could both dimensions / metrics be mixed up in a single table?

thanks a lot for your patience and help