thanks, but I don’t quite get it
Firstly, do i create a new async script tag in which I add said JS code? It seems to define a JS variable, usually these tags just include an external script, sometimes with a get variable.
And if so, if I add it as a separate tag, how do I categorise it in PIWIK? If I use the same category as the AdSense tag already has, won’t both be handled under the same toggle? What I want (or need to do to be honest) is make the user decide between
- reject AdSense entirely (so no ads are shown)
- allow AdSense with unpersonalised ads
- allow AdSense with personalised ads
because 1. would block AdSense from putting cookies in the browser.
2. would allow AdSense to put cookies in the browser
and 3. would put AdSense cookies in the browser and allow it to use third party cookies and other data found in the browser.
To be honest, and I know it’s quite basic but it’s still something that was never totally clear to me. When CMPs say they “use” cookies, do they mean they put cookies in the browser to track the user or use the cookies that are already there. Could be both.
With that in mind, I’m not sure if I actually need (in order to be compliant to EU law) the 3 options as shown above or just a yes or no to the use of personal data (i.e. cookies and whatnot already in the browser), because you cannot refuse ads entirely, at least not this way.
And secondly, I see a new problem.
On the mentioned Google documentation it says that AdSense serves personalised ads by default.
So with the current setup as per your suggestion, the additional tag will leave the value of the variable requestNonPersonalizedAds to default (false) if no consent is given or “no to all” is clicked, hence the use of personal data is allowed. Isn’t that backwards? How can I deny personalised ads by default this way?