What is your current consent setting for Piwik Pro Analytics in your Piwik Pro Tag Manager, It’s usually set to analytics by default
If you aren’t using the Piwik Pro consent manager, you can also navigate to Privacy settings in the Administration menu and turn off do not ask visitors.
Hi Consent type is ignored when consent manager is disabled.
I just checked your site and the container is properly installed. I can see events triggered by the browser. Have you checked the tracker debugger if the events appear there?
It looks correct now. Check the reports in 30 mins from now.
The disablecookie notification does not break tracking. Most likely you disabled cookies in two places (website settings and Piwik PRO tag in Tag Manager).
Are you checking the right Website? What is the date range you have selected? Could you check if data is available in the standard Reports section? A full screenshot would help a lot.
@kuba, you’re right sir. I’m one of these people who forget to turn the computer on and blame the IT guy I’ve just set the correct date range and it’s working as expected. Thank you for your help.