The rest of the Chrome extension works fine, but when I select the Debugger I get a white screen. This error is in DevTools. Our ecomm sales are wildly inflated and am trying to work out why. We’re using Shopify.
react-dom.production.min.js:209 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice')
at DebuggerTimeline.n.prepareWrappedPings (DebuggerTimeline.tsx:76:49)
at new DebuggerTimeline (DebuggerTimeline.tsx:41:37)
at Lg (react-dom.production.min.js:134:171)
at fi (react-dom.production.min.js:176:149)
at Rj (react-dom.production.min.js:263:490)
at Qj (react-dom.production.min.js:246:265)
at Kj (react-dom.production.min.js:246:194)
at yj (react-dom.production.min.js:239:172)
at react-dom.production.min.js:123:115
Screenshot here: Dropbox - Piwik_Debugger.png - Simplify your life