I have a free account of Piwik Pro to test all capabilities. For the moment, every thing work great except one thing : the Google Extension to see Heatmap results.
It says that I don’t have right, but I use the owner account. I try to create other account with all possible right but it has no effect. I try delete all cookies too.
can you provide site address on which you are trying to use Site Inspector please? We will investigate that issue then and let you know more details soon.
it looks like you used previously Matomo script to track your website and you disabled loading of the Matomo JS trakcer on your page (https://cdn.matomo.cloud/adipso.matomo.cloud/matomo.js responds with 403 code), but the initialization script for Matomo tracker is still present on your page and you still configure Matomo tracker using _paq interface in the <!-- Matomo --> script set up on your main HTML file (https://www.adipso.com/).
To fix this issue you should either:
Remove the <!-- Matomo --> script from your HTML file (it’ll also remove loading matomo.js from forbidden URL)
Follow the instructions from this article to use both trackers simultaneously.
The reason why this happens is related to our history with Matomo product (previously named Piwik). After separation both products went in different directions, but JavaScript interface side of both of these trackers are still sharing same API using _paq object to send commands.