Undefined cities in Locations report


I have a problem with “Locations” report in PiwikPRO, some cities are undefined and are displayed in the table with “No Data” caption. 8,8% of cities are undefined and that is a significant value.

Please advise how can this issue be fixed?

Is it possible that Mask IP address setting affects this problem?


Hey Alex, I don’t know your exact setup but I can give you a few ideas:

  1. Anonymous visitors - for visitors who did not give a consent, you collect only countries

  2. Location is collected always from unmasked IP addresses but the level of precision for location data can be set up separately.

  3. If you’re I-wanna-know-the-answer type of guy (respect :slight_smile: ), create a segment with this condition and check filtered out sessions in Session log. Look for IP addresses.
